My guild got Yogg down in 10 man last night for the first time. I wasn't there, but I'm not too broken up about it. On all of my previous attempts, we hadn't even made it to phase three. Proudly, I've never gone mad, but I have been known to run away from the red beam. Why is it you always get linked just before you're feared?
Yogg, to an averagely skilled and experienced player like me, is tough. Phase two is hard to dps, harder still to heal. Which is very odd, because we had Anub'arak down in the second week of his release. Now I don't want to join in the chorus of complaints about the relative difficulty of content in Wrath, but c'mon. The colliseum is a higher tier of content. Can you imagine any guild farming Sunwell that couldn't kill Kael'thas convincingly?
I don't know whether Yogg is too hard or Anub'arak is too easy - but given that both these encounters have harder modes, I suspect it's a bit of both.
Either way, I'm rambling a bit now because the purpose of this post wasn't to add my voice to the chorus of elitist complainers but to share this staggeringly awesome Yogg strategy guide by Kae of the Dreambound druid blog. Words don't do it justice, you've got to go see for yourself.
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
Gz on the Yogg takedown and yeah, normal TotC isn't nearly as hard. Heroic, though, is a whole different ballgame.
I think it's debatable whether normal or heroic is the "real" TotC.
The comic guide is way cool, thanks for the link :)
I tend to look at the difficulty in TBC when I look at what we have in WotLK. Vashj and KT were a greater challenge, imo, than anything in Tier 6 content. Then SWP came along, and it was epic. So I'm looking at LK, and I'm thinking... The first tier is going to be easy. The second tier will separate the boys from the men, and the third tier will be the reward for putting up with the middle tier. I figure that the final tier will be challenging and offer some absolutely drool-worthy gear.
i used to be? hardcore in wow. but you guys actually farm them yourself?
you should check out
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