In a glorious reversal of fortune from my usual raids, last night saw me come top in dps and bottom in deaths. Hooraah for me, and nothing but love and best wishes to the elemental shaman and warlock who undoubtedly account for the visible improvement in my performance. Who was it said you didn't need to stack raids anymore? Bunkum.
We cleared construct and arachnid before calling it a night. Thaddius — I made the jump first time, by the way, another first! — spat out the leg tokens for yours truly, and I skipped off merrily to the vendor with a song in my heart.
And there I was reminded rudely of my earlier stupidity in picking the healing gloves. I'd quite blocked that memory out, but now it's unavoidable. The evidence is right there on my character sheet, where the yummy 10% discount on mind blast remains stubbornly greyed out.
I have resolved to plead my case to a GM, just as soon as I can get hold of one. I waited three hours last night with an open ticket, and got nowhere. Are they that slow on your server too? Wish me luck.
20 February 2009
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Grats mate, Im usially top 2 or 3 on all raids everyone is always like "ZOMG SP or OP" hahaha
Takes longer than that on my server too. What I usually do is be very specific in my ticket- that way they usually sort it whilst I'm offline!
Yeah, I accidentally picked up the shadow version of the legs and din't notice till like three or four days later. I sent a ticket and about 5 or 6 hours later, my pants disappeared (more than a little disconcerting) and the new ones were in the mail. I lost the gems and enchant on it, but either way, they fixed it quickly. Didn't even contact me.
Gratz man! It's roughly 2 hours on my server.
Gz, I did the same with pants. I wrote a ticket and they responded in about half an hour. I lost one gem I had put in them but at least I got a proper item :)
Wait. Why is a priest missing that jump when they have levitate at their disposal? /wink
Grats on the successes and the new pants. And even if the GM won't help you out with the gloves, I wouldn't worry too much about the set bonus. I have 4 tier pieces (all but the pants, in fact) and usually only wear one of them - mana just isn't an issue.
On the OP of SP: This week, I got to run Naxx25 with the hunter that, under TBC, would regularly, not just beat me, but completely annhiliate me and everyone else on the dps meters. He's one of the best players I know, he's geared, and he's competitive as hell. I'm very happy to announce that we're about neck and neck on both trash and boss damage. (oh yeah, and I'm even happier that our guilded hunters got to see him play, because they're struggling).
Grats on your new pants! I'm still waiting for mine to drop :) This might be a bit of a different situation, but it took about 2 weeks for one my guildies to get his item restored (he rolled need on an item, won it, but the item didn't go to his bag even though his bag wasn't full).
We just realized yesterday that our lock hasn't been putting up CoE ><. But yeah, it's amazing what an elemental shammy can do to your dps!
This is a noob question, but how exactly do elemental shaman boost SP dps?
how exactly do elemental shaman boost SP dps
By granting a LOT more crit chance to raid members:
Elemental Oath
Your spell critical strikes grant your party or raid members Elemental Oath, increasing spell critical strike chance by 3%.
Totem of Wrath
The totem increases spell power by 100 for all party and raid members, and increases the critical strike chance of all attacks by 3% against all enemies within 40 yards.
"Wait. Why is a priest missing that jump when they have levitate at their disposal? /wink"
It's easy when you accidentally target someone else, especially when I healed there :\
Elemental oath doesn't stack with boomkin crit buff, ToW doesn't stack with hearth of cursader or master poisoner.
Though ele shaman totem is still best spellpower totem :)
GZ for them pants merl!!
God knows you needed em, the old ones had started to look a bit brown'ish on the backside =)
Thanks Jacob! That makes sense.
I know levitate is *supposed* to work, but somehow I've managed to screw it up at least twice in the past. I don't know if it's lag, or the fact that you can't jump, and therefore need to line up perfectly. What can I say, I'm a nub :P
Thank you dral, that means a lot coming from a troll in a skirt.
Indeed men should wear more skirts, the freedom is incredible not to mention the air conditioning.
I should point out, for the benefit of my other readers, that dral is a habitual teabagger. The very act of sitting down is like an invitation to him...
ROFL you know me all too well my friend
Lucky you lol.. 5 weeks of naxx clears and our guild hasn't seen a single priest/pally token. Not a one. Our resto druid has a full T7 offspec set though.. woot?
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